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Our readable version of the Johnson Controls Survey

The Survey

Our Concerns

Hello, I'm __________ of Decision Resources, Ltd., a national survey research firm located in Minneapolis .  We are speaking with a random sample of residents about issues facing public schools in your area. Even if you do not have children currently in the schools, we are very interested in your opinions and suggestions.I want to assure you that all individual responses will be held strictly confidential; only summaries of the entire sample will be reported.

1.Approximately, how many years have you lived at your current address in Duluth Public School District ?
TWO TO FIVE YEARS........18%
SIX TO TEN YEARS............20%
11 TO 20 YEARS..................26%
21 TO 30 YEARS..................11%

2.  How would you rate the quality of  education provided by the Duluth Public School District -- excel lent, good, only fair, or poor? 
ONLY FAIR...........................17%

I would like to read you a short list of statements others have told us.  For each one, please tell me whether you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree.  If you don't know, just say so....

3.  During the last couple of years, the Duluth Public School District Administration and Board have spent money effectively and efficiently.

STRONGLY AGREE.............. 1%
AGREE................................ ..39%

4.  Our community receives a good  value from its investment in its public schools.  

STRONGLY AGREE................6%

5.  The reputation of the Duluth Public School District schools increases home values for residents in this district.        

STRONGLY AGREE..................5%  
STRONGLY DISAGREE.............1% 
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.........14%

6. Duluth Public Schools are a good investment and I would support a property tax increase to protect that investment.

STRONGLY AGREE......................5%
STRONGLY DISAGREE................5%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.............9%

7.  I would recommend Duluth Public

STRONGLY AGREE......................9%
STRONGLY DISAGREE...............1%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED............5%

8. The Duluth Public School District tax money.    

STRONGLY AGREE.....................2%
STRONGLY DISAGREE...............4%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED..........28%

9.  I'm willing to invest in education by paying higher taxes, provided the schools continue to operate efficiently and offer high quality educational programs.

STRONGLY AGREE.....................6%
STRONGLY DISAGREE...............7%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED............8%

Moving on....

10.  How would you rate the job performance of the Duluth Public School District Board -- excellent, good, only fair, or poor?

ONLY FAIR................................41%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED..........13%

11.  How would you rate the job performance of the Superintendent and District Administration -- excellent, good, only fair, or poor? 

ONLY FAIR................................30%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED..........19%

  12.  And, how would you rate the job performance of teachers and instructional staff -- excellent, good, only fair, or poor?

ONLY FAIR....................................9%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED............10%

13.  How would you rate the financial management of the Duluth Public Schools -- excellent, good, only fair, or poor?

ONLY FAIR..................................46%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED............14%

Moving on....

14.  In comparison with neighboring areas, do you consider total property taxes in your community to be very high, somewhat high, about average, somewhat low, or very low?

VERY HIGH................................10%
SOMEWHAT HIGH....................39%
ABOUT AVERAGE.....................31%
SOMEWHAT LOW......................0%
VERY LOW...................................1%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED..........19%

15.  In comparison with other neighboring school districts, do you think that school taxes in the Duluth School District are very high, somewhat high, about average, somewhat low, or very low?

VERY HIGH.................................7%
SOMEWHAT HIGH...................30%
ABOUT AVERAGE....................31%
SOMEWHAT LOW......................2%
VERY LOW..................................1%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.........28%

16. Which of the following three statements best describes your feelings?        

A. I would vote against almost any tax increases for the schools;
B. I would vote for a tax increase
under some conditions, but against it under other conditions;
C. I would vote for almost any tax increases for the schools.

STATEMENT A...........................17%
STATEMENT B...........................66%
STATEMENT C...........................16%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED............1%

17. In general, how informed do you feel about decisions made by the School Board and Administration very informed, somewhat informed, not too informed, or not at all  informed?                       

VERY INFORMED.....................10%
NOT TOO INFORMED...............24%
NOT AT ALL INFORMED...........3%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED............0%

As you may know, the Duluth Public School District has been discussing current and future space needs as well as improvements in its academic programs. 

18.  Are you aware of the discussions taking place on school district space needs?                     

NOT AWARE............................22%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED..........0%
IF "AWARE," ASK: (N=234)

19.  How familiar are you with the discussions and reports to date - very familiar, somewhat familiar, not too familiar, not at all familiar?   

VERY FAMILIAR......................18%
NOT TOO FAMILIAR..................7%
NOT AT ALL FAMILIAR.............0%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED............0%

As you may know, enrollment in the Duluth Public Schools declined by 25% during the past 10 years, to today's enrollment of 10,140.  This trend will continue until 2013, when enrollment will stabilize between 9,000 and 9,350 students.  From 2013 to 2022, enrollment is projected to increase modestly and to fluctuate around 9,600 students.   

Each of the three facilities options being considered by the Citizens Task Force and School Board provides the following: first, reducing the number of elementary school buildings from eleven to nine ; second, reducing the number of middle schools from three to two ; third, reducing the number of administrative buildings from three to two; fourth, selling the five currently unused School District properties and any other school district facilities closed as a result of the adopted plan.  The key differences, as we will discuss, focus on the number of high schools and whether to build new or remodel and expand current buildings.

Now, let's focus on one major difference in the options....

Under the "Blue Option" or "One High School Alternative," the Duluth School District would have one high school.  Central High School would be remodeled and expanded to accommodate 3,000 students.  Denfeld High School and East High School would be remodeled and expanded as the two middle schools serving the District. 

Under the two "Two High School Alternatives," known as the "Red Option" and "White Option," the Duluth School District would have two high schools.  One building would serve the eastern part of the School District while the other would serve the western part, each housing 1,500 students.  Central High School would be closed.

20.  Which option do you support the "One High School Alternative" the "Two High School Alternative?"

 (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way?               

ONE HS/STRONGLY.....................5%
OR ONE HS....................................4%
TWO HS............... ........................57%
TWO HS/STRONGLY..................24%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED...........11%


21.  Could you tell me one or two reasons for your decision?

ONE HS/MORE COST EFFECTIVE, ..........................2%; 
ONE HS/3000 STUDENTS IS TOO MANY, ..............42%; 
TWO HS/SMALLER CLASS SIZES, .......................22%;   
TWO HS/LESS BUSING AND TRAVEL, .................16%; 
ONE HS/UNIFY THE CITY,.................................... 4%; 
SCATTERED, ......................................................4%.

Now, let's talk about two variations in the "Two High Schools Alternative." In both variations, Ordean Middle School would be remodeled, upgraded, and expanded into a high school facility serving 1,500 students in the eastern part of the District, while East High School would be remodeled as a middle school to accommodate 1,100 students.   

Under the "Red Option," Denfeld High School would be remodeled and expanded to house 1,500 students, while a new middle school would be constructed in the western part of the district to accommodate 1,100 students. 

Under the "White Option," a new high school would be constructed in the western part of the School District to house 1,500 stud­ents. Denfeld High School would be remodeled and expanded as a 1,100 student middle school. 

22.  Which option do you support remodeling and expanding the Denfeld building to keep it as a high school and building a new middle school OR building a new high school facility and repurposing the Denfeld building as a middle school? 

(WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way?

NEW MIDDLE/STRONGLY........................25%
NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL.............................32%
NEW HIGH SCHOOL....................................9%
NEW HIGH SCHOOL/STRONG...................1%


23.  Could you tell me one or two reasons for your decision?

NEW MIDDLE/MORE COST EFFECTIVE, ..................12%; 
NEW MIDDLE/DENFELD HAS HIGH SCHOOL AMENITIES, ...........................................................................21%; 
NEW HIGH SCHOOL/DENFELD WILL MAKE A BETTER MIDDLE SCHOOL, ...................................................4%;
NEW MIDDLE/DENFELD HAS A TRADITION IN COMMUNITY, ......................................................36%;
NEW MIDDLE/MONEY WAS RECENTLY USED TO REMODEL DENFELD, ............................................14%;
SCATTERED, .........................................................5%.

Now, for an overall judgment....

24.Which of the three alternatives do you most support -- the "One High School Option," OR the "Two High School Option keeping Denfeld as a high school facility, OR the "Two High School Option building a new high school facility in the western part of the District?" 

(WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way?

ONE HS/STRONG.......................................8%
ONE HS........................................................4%
TWO HS/KEEP DEN/STR..........................33%
TWO HS/KEEP DENFELD.........................23%
TWO HS/NEW HS/STR................................6%
TWO HS/NEW HS........................................4%
NONE (VOL.).............................................10%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.........................14%

25.  And, which, if any of the three alternatives, do you MOST oppose? 

ONE HS/STRONG......................................36%
ONE HS......................................................34%
TWO HS/KEEP DEN/STR...........................4%
TWO HS/KEEP DENFELD..........................2%
TWO HS/NEW HS/STR...............................7%
TWO HS/NEW HS.......................................2%
NONE (VOL.)...............................................9%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED...........................7%

Let's consider the tax implications of these three proposals....

The cost of each proposal would range between 257 million dollars and 271 million dollars.But, due to savings and sales of unused property, almost half of that total is already paid for.In financing the remainder, the owner of a $125,000 valued home, the average in the District, would see a property tax increase of between $8.00 and $11.00 per month, or $96.00 to $132.00 per year.  

26.  Would you favor or oppose the School District issuing bonds to finance the new construction and renovation of school facilities? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way?

STRONGLY FAVOR.....................................18%
STRONGLY OPPOSE.....................................5%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED..............................7%

By State law, the Minneapolis, Saint Paul, and Duluth School Districts are allowed to issue bonds for the new construction or improvement of school building facilities without holding a referendum election.  In the past, the Duluth School District has held well-publicized public hearings to discuss plans and their costs, rather than holding referendum elections.

27.Does the absence of a bond referendum election make you more likely or less likely to support the issuing of construction bonds, or does it have no impact at all? (IF "MORE LIKELY" OR "LESS LIKELY," ASK:) Is that much (more/less) likely or only s omewhat?

MUCH MORE LIKELY...................................1%
SOMEWHAT MORE LIKELY........................5%
NO IMPACT AT ALL......................................71%
SOMEWHAT LESS LIKELY...........................11%
MUCH LESS LIKELY.......................................8%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED................................3%

Moving on....

Regardless of the facilities option adopted, the School District may ask residents for an additional operating revenue authority of $350.00 per pupil unit to undertake curriculum and program changes to enhance education opportunities in the new facilities.  This would be an ADDITIONAL tax increase proposal of $5.00 per month or $60.00 per year on a $125,000 home.

28.  Would you favor or oppose this operating levy proposal? Do you feel strongly that way?

STRONGLY FAVOR....................................11%
STRONGLY OPPOSE....................................9%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.............................9%


29. Could you tell me one or two reasons for your decision?

EDUCATION IS IMPORTANT, ...... ..........26% 
TAXES ARE TOO HIGH,........................... 22% 
COST IS REASONABLE, ...........................11% 
NEEDED FOR CURRICULUM AND PROGRAMS, ...............................................27% 
POOR DISTRICT SPENDING,.................... 4% 
PROGRAMS ARE FINE................................3% 

If the Duluth School District were to hold a bond referendum election this November, it might also place the operating levy proposal on the same ballot. Voters would be asked to vote on two funding questions....

30.  Which of the following statements best describes your vote?         

A)  I would vote for both the bond referendum proposal and the operating levy proposal;       

B)  I would vote for the bond referendum proposal, but against the operating levy proposal;

C)  I would vote against the bond referendum proposal, but for the operating levy proposal;

D)  I would vote against both the bond referendum proposal and the operating levy proposal.

STATEMENT A...........................................53%
STATEMENT B...........................................11%
STATEMENT C..............................................3%
STATEMENT D.............................................23%
NONE (VOL.).................................................3%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.............................7%

The School District might make the passage of any bond referendum for school buildings contingent on the success of the operating levy proposal. In that way, the funds needed to undertake curriculum and program changes would be available when the construction is complete.

31.  Would requiring the passage of the operating levy prior to building any new facilities make you more or less likely to support the operating levy?

(WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way? 

MORE LIKELY/STRONGLY.......................10%
MORE LIKELY.............................................38%
LESS LIKELY................................................16%
LESS LIKELY/STRONGLY..........................12%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED............................21%
NO DIFFERENCE...........................................5%

As we discussed earlier, the cost of each proposal would range between 257 and 271 million dollars. If the School District bonded for the entire amount, the savings and sales of unused property can be applied to educational programs, curriculum upgrades, and technology opportunities.  If the full amount were bonded for, the owner of a $125,000 valued home would see a property tax increase of between $16.00 and $22.00 per month, or $192.00 to $264.00 per year.  

32. Would you favor or oppose the School District issuing bonds to finance the full cost of the new construction and renovation of school facilities?

(WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way?

STRONGLY FAVOR..................................10%

DON'T KNOW/REFUSED..........................12%


33.  Could you tell me one or two reasons for your decision?

EDUCATION IS IMPORTANT, .................19% 
TAXES ARE TOO HIGH, ...........................34% 
COST IS REASONABLE, ..........................10% 
GOOD FOR THE COMMUNITY, ................4% 
USE ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR TECHNOLOGY, ............................................9% 
TO TAXPAYERS,.......................................... 6% 
POOR DISTRICT SPENDING,..................... 6% 
SCATTERED, .......................................... ......3%.

Changing topics....

I would like to read you a number of sources of information about the Duluth Public School District. For each one, please tell me if you receive a lot of your information about the school district from that source, some information, a little information, or none at all?  (ROTATE LIST)


34.  School District newsletter?           19% 20%  8% 54%  0%

35.  The School District's website?        2% 11% 12% 75%  0%

36.  The Duluth daily newspaper?           30% 40% 14% 16%  0%  

37.  Teachers in the School District you know?  8% 14% 15% 63%  0%

38.  School District employees other than teachers?  5% 14% 11% 71%  0%

39.  School children, your own or your neighbors? 1% 16% 14% 68%  0%

40.  Informal discussions with neighbors or acquaintances? 8% 39% 24% 29%  0%

Now, just a few more questions for demographic purposes....

41.  What is your age, please?       

65 AND OVER......................23%

42.  What is the highest level of formal education you completed?

LESS THAN HS GRADUATE................2%     
HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE..............26%
VO-TECH/TECH COLLEGE...............10%
SOME COLLEGE.................................25%
COLLEGE GRADUATE.......................27%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED....................2%

43. Are there infants or pre-schoolers in this household?               

DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.....................0%

44.  Are there school-aged children in this household?  Do they attend public schools in this district, public schools in another district, parochial or private schools, charter schools, or home school?..(WAIT FOR RESPONSE)   

YES/DULUTH SD...................................20%
YES/ANOTHER SD..................................1%
YES/HOME SCHOOL..............................0%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.......................0%

IF "NO," ASK: (N=231)

45.  Have you ever had children in the Duluth Public Schools?   

DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.......................0%

46.  Did you or your spouse/partner, if applicable, attend Duluth Public Schools?  YES.........................................................53%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.......................0%

47.  Have you or any member of your household participated in any Duluth School District Community Education programs or offerings during the past two years?

DON'T KNOW/REFUSED........................0%

48.  Which political party do you consider yourself most closely aligned with?      
GREEN PARTY...........................................1%
SOMETHING ELSE.....................................0%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED...........................8%

49.  In politics, do you consider yourself to be (ROTATE) a conservative, a liberal, or a moderate?  

(IF "CONSERVATIVE" OR "LIBERAL," ASK:) Do you think of yourself as very (conservative/ liberal)? (IF "MODERATE," ASK:) Do you lean closer to conservative or liberal?

VERY CONSERVATIVE................................6%
SOMEWHAT CONSERVATIVE..................17%
LEAN CONSERVATIVE................................4%
LEAN LIBERAL............................................13%
SOMEWHAT LIBERAL................................11%
VERY LIBERAL..............................................6%
SOMETHING ELSE........................................0%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.............................8%

50.  Are you employed by -- a government agency or political subdivision, such as state or local government or a school district; business or corporation; self employed; work on a farm; student; currently not working, or retired?

GOV AGENCY/POLI SUB........................15%
WORK ON FARM.......................................0%
CURRENTLY NOT WORKING..................8%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED...........................0%

Please tell me which of the following apply to you:

                                                                                     ........................................YES   NO    DKR

51.  Read the newspaper at least 4 to 5 times a week?     ...........................64%   36%    0%
52. Listen to talk radio?      55%   45%    0%
53.  Watch television news most evenings?                       .......................... 82%   18%    0% 
54.  Surf the internet for news and least every week?             .......... 47%   53%    0%   
55.  Read mail sent to me by interest groups?                   ............ 41%   58%    1%

56.  Are you currently a member of a civic organization?             


57.  Are you a member of a labor union?  
(IF "NO," ASK:) Are any other members of your household members of a labor union?                


58.  Do you rent or own your current residence?  (IF "OWN," ASK:)  Is your home valued under $75,000, $75,000-$125,000, $125,001- $175,000, or over $175,000?

OWN/UNDER $75,000....................1%
OWN/OVER $175,000..................23%                     
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED...............4%

59.  Finally, thinking about your household finances, how you would describe your financial situation, would you say that --            

A) Your monthly expenses are exceeding your income;
B) You are meeting your monthly
expenses but are putting aside little or no savings;
C) You are managing comfortably while putting some money aside;
D) Managing very well?

STATEMENT A...........................2%
STATEMENT B............ .............47%
STATEMENT C..........................33%
STATEMENT D..........................10%
DON'T KNOW/REFUSED...........7%

60.  Gender                 


61.  High School Attendance Zone     


Scroll down especially to our concerns about Questions: 13. 14, 16, 20, 26, and especially 27, 30, 31, 32, 58, 59
































































Question 13.

Hardly a ringing endorsement of the Financial management of the District. 59% think its only fair or poor. Would these folks really want a $293 million building plan to be authorized without an election and the debate it would provide?

Question 14.

49% of these people feel that their taxes are high by area standards. How willing would people who feel this way to permit a massive debt without a debate?









Question 16

Statement B shows that these people are very reasonable. 66% would vote for a tax increase under some conditions. They probably would if they thought it was reasonable. How, without an election debate could they be certain that the Red Plan was reasonable?



















Preface to Question 20.

Until JCI began this planning session the Duluth School Board had only debated whether it made more sense to close high schools or elementary schools. This would have been for the purposes of saving money not authorizing a major building program. 

Today most Duluthians think the Red Plan is all about closing a high school. Few realize it has grown to a major building program for half a dozen elementary schools and two junior high schools. 

A referendum would alert them to this fact. So far only these 300 survey participants have been told the whole picture.







Question 20. 

Its worth noting that retaining 3 high schools was never presented to survey participants as an option.
























































Preface to question 26.

This statement is given as fact even though it is only speculative.

As for the average price of a home being $125,000 it is interesting to note that the survey participants must not be average. In question 58, 48 percent tell the surveyers that their homes are valued above $125,000 but only 15 percent say their homes are valued less than $125,000. 



Preface to question 27 is the most terrible. The first sentence is wrong. Every school district has the right to do some bonding without a referendum. Listing the big three cities suggests that they have special permission to bond without referendum. Only Minneapolis and St. Paul have been given that right. Duluth has not. The second statement in pink is simply not true.

Question 27 is so important that JCI made it nearly incomprehensible. People support or oppose public construction because of community needs, the taxes they will require not because they are on the ballot. Most people who answered this probably were thinking this and were simply saying that whether there was an election or not was irrelevant to whether they approved or disapproved of a building project. Had JCI wanted to know whether people wanted to vote they should have dropped the misleading preface and simply asked: Do you believe their should be a referendum on the Red Plan. Let Duluth Vote petitioners are finally asking this question. 85-90% are signing our petition asking to vote.

The importance of this dubious statistic is such that their report to the state says that 71% of Duluth District voters don't want a referendum.








Preface to Question 30

This is significant because the operating levy referendum currently is spent in the classroom at about $5 million a year. Statement A indicates that a bare majority of 53% would vote for both the building levy and the classroom spending operational levy. 

Voting on classroom expenses threatens the building levy. If the Red Plan goes through next year the levy for classrooms will be the only way angry voters can punish the School District and it highly unlikely that they will vote for the classroom expenses. The result? We will get fancy, new buildings that we never got to debate and have an impoverished programs and curriculum.




Question 31

The answers to this question how important to people the operating levy is. 48 % of them would be more likely to support the building referendum if the operating levy passed first. And yet as the next too questions illustrate 28 % would also be less likely to support a building referendum after an operating referendum. The priority for JCI is obviously sneak the building program in first before the passage of an operational levy would make it less popular. Fortunately for JCI state law may make any referendum for the Red Plan unnecessary.


Question 32. At Let Duluth Vote's first meeting a strong proponent of the Red Plan spoke and made a big deal about the bond being only for $100 million dollars. This is true but he was implying that the Red Plan would only cost $100 million not $293 million. The rest of the Red Plan is based on something called lease levy purchases. Someone builds something and the public leases it. Either way taxes pay for the project.

































































































Question 58

Note half of those surveyed have houses that cost more than the district average $125,000. They will pay more but its not clear exactly how much more. As it is depending on the many ways the Red Plan could go into effect JCI and the School Board are saying it could be between $8 and $21 per month. For a home of $125,000 that would be increased school taxes of $96 and $252 per year. That could be several months of prescription medicine for some seniors.

Question 59

Almost half, 47% of respondents, said of themselves B: "You are meeting your monthly expenses but are putting aside little or no savings.

These are just the kind of folks to welcome the $293 million Red Plan -People just scraping by.










































If you care about Duluth and its schools 
don't put your faith in the Duluth News Tribune
The last word on the Red Plan can be found on Harry Welty's blog:
And if you're looking for some particular piece of information use the blog's search function.
You never can tell what you'll find.